So for a class, I have to do an Independent Learning Project. When I first heard about this I wanted to do something that I could easily do while watching Netflix. As I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs, I am a TV junkie. For this learning project it has to be something that I’ve never done before. So as I’m sitting on my bed I couldn’t think of anything. So then I call the only person I know who could help think of ideas, my mom. I call her up and I explain what is needed to do. She suggests crochet. When she first mentioned this I was skeptic. I have never been very good with my hands. But as she kept talking about crocheting, I was getting more and more excited. Crocheting is something that I can do my whole life and it’s also something that my mom and I can do together as we sit and talk when I’m home for breaks.  So now that I knew what I will be doing the next thing is thinking of what to make. I told my mom that it had to last all semester. Even though she mentioned a pot holder. I’m thinking of making a blanket. In my opinion no one can have too many blankets. I’m a person that gets stressed out really easily so I’m also hoping that by taking up crochet, it will be a nice way to relax and get my mind off the stress of college. I am also hoping that I can teach my students some way to help deal with the stress of life. I know that I will be an elementary teacher and some people may not think that there is a lot of stress associated with being an elementary student, but to the students that is the most stressful part of their life at the moment and not all of it is just school stress. We also have to think about their home life stress. I think that it will help my students if I teach and discuss ways to deal with stress. So for my class I have to spend approximately 2 hours a week learning how to crochet.

Throughout the semester I will be posting pictures and blogs about the progress of my project. So now I’m going to ask you readers, what would like to learn if you could learn anything? What are your favorite Netflix/Hulu shows to watch (I may need reccommendations) and the last question, What do you do to unwind and relax? Blog you later!

13 thoughts on “ILP

  1. Hi CaLee! My grandma Eileen loves crocheting! She makes pot holders, pillow cases, scarves, and hats. She too loves to sit and watch TV while she does it. I think it would be a great stress reliver once you get the hang of it.

    Good luck!


  2. I’m so glad you found something to do that can stick with you for life and that you and your mom can bond over and do together! If you really wanted, you could take on a lot of bigger or little projects throughout the semester. I know people who crochet dresses for baby dolls and random stuff like that. If I could learn anything, I would learn how to travel. You might not think that is something to learn, but learning where you want to go and where you don’t, how to find a decent hotel, what the fun things to do in the area are, it is a lot of learning, especially for someone who has only gone on one big family vacation in my life.


    1. Travel for me would definitely be something for me to learn. I have traveled some throughout the country and even to Cananda but that’s it. Where would you like to travel to?


      1. Um, anywhere haha. I have barely been out of Nebraska to go on one trip to Florida and it wasn’t long enough after my knee surgery to be sitting in a vehicle for 16 hours straight.


  3. Hey CaLee! I love your idea for this project! Crocheting is so much fun! My grandma taught me when I was younger and I always loved it. I used to make hats and scarves and pot holders all the time, but I never have made a blanket! This sounds like a great thing to put your time into for this project and I love that you focused it around doing something you love to do! Good luck!


  4. CaLee, I think that learning how to crotchet will go great with your TV addiction. They can be done at the same time and it is a skill that you will keep forever. My mom crotchets all the time and the stuff she has made for us is something that we all treasure. She has crotchets us all stocking for Christmas so that even our dogs have their our stocking. It can be therapeutic and allow you to escape a little in your own world. I am excited to see your projects as you go through the semester. Good luck!


  5. This is a brilliant idea! You’ll be learning something new that you can do while also engaging in your favorite hobby (which you probably don’t have a ton of time for now) AND it’s a connection with your mom! Aren’t moms the best? I always call mine when I need good ideas and advice too. We are huge Netflix junkies at my house too. We just finished Burn Notice, which I liked far more than I imagined I would, and we’re now working our way through The Flash. I’m always looking for shows that my son, who’s 14, will enjoy too but that won’t be too…. mature. Any recommendations? In the past, others have learned crocheting or knitting for this class and found lots of helpful videos on YouTube.


    1. I also go to my mom for everything! However I had to change my ILP to Yarn Work. You can read about it in my most recent blog! Have you tried watching Big Bang Theory or MASH? I love Burn Notice. I think the show Dexter is very similar to Burn Notice.


  6. Nice choice on your project! I remember one Christmas break, my Mom taught me how to crochet. I loved it! However I honestly don’t remember how. Maybe I will have to pick this up too! I recommend watching the Blacklist for tv shows or Parks and Recreation. I love that show! Good Luck!
    – Katelyn Gottsch


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